Rest Well, All The Benefits of Having a Nightly Routine
Go to bed feeling relaxed
Written by Shandel Walker
In the past year we have been flooded with posts about the incredible benefits of having a morning routine. From Instagram, Tik Tok, Pinterest, and Facebook we’ve seen it all. If you were to go on Instagram right now, we're pretty sure someone just posted on their story how having a morning routine helps them “slay” the entire day and suggesting that you start one today. Fear not; this isn't another ode to the infamous morning routine. Instead, we're taking the road less traveled and exploring the many benefits of having a nightly routine. Trust us; you will feel relaxed, accomplished, and become more productive.
Guarantees a Better Morning
If you want to have a successful morning, we're here to tell you it doesn't start with your morning routine. Instead, it will require a little prep work from the night before. Think back to a morning when you were spinning around your apartment frantically and wasting precious time because you didn't know what to wear or whether you should have avocado toast or oatmeal for breakfast. How about that other morning you were silently yelling at yourself for not taking the time to tidy up the night before because now you can't find your keys.
To avoid having a chaotic morning take time to review tomorrow's tasks. Make a to-do list and see what you can do before bed to make things easier the following day. Spend a few minutes planning out your outfit, prepping your breakfast ingredients, tidying up, and putting your keys someplace visible. Not only will you feel satisfied knowing you have things organized. You will have more time to do your morning routine without feeling rushed and overwhelmed.
Make Time To Relax, Breathe, and Wind Down
After the hustle and bustle of a long day, it is essential to take time to relax, breathe, and wind down. Having a nightly routine allows you to decompress, ease your mind, and channel your energy on relaxing. Think about how uncomfortable it feels going to bed feeling anxious, worried, and tense. Getting good sleep will be impossible, and almost certainly, you will wake up the next day feeling the same way. It's best to avoid things that will overwhelm you and leave you feeling stressed. Use this time to focus on things that make you happy. Fill your nightly routine with calming activities like:
Light stretching
A warm bubble bath
Reading your favorite book
Express Your Feelings
Journaling allows you to get all your feelings out before bed. Dumping all your thoughts and emotions into your journal will help you feel lighter and less anxious, especially if you had a stressful day. If you don't know where to start, you can write down a few things you're proud about that happen earlier in the day, what you would like to accomplish the next day, or whatever is on your mind.
Practice Self-Care
Instead of rushing to turn the lights off, make it an experience. Try prepping your room into a peaceful and calm oasis. Use this time to connect with yourself with no distractions. Think about what makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. It can be anything from dimming the lights in your room, jumping into your snuggliest pajamas, lighting your favorite candle scent, or playing some calming music.
Limit Your Tech Time
Remember that time you spent over an hour on Instagram laughing at memes or the other time you spent 30 minutes replying to a work email. Put your devices away. You can catch up tomorrow. You want to spend your nightly routine relaxing, recharging, and disconnecting from the outside world, not diverting work crises. If you have a hard time fighting the temptation of tech, here are a few tips:
Set time limits on your favorite apps
Turn your phone off before bed
Place your device on the other side of the room. Once you're snuggled in bed, checking that notification that just came in will be the last thing on your mind.
Create A Bedtime Habit
Having a nightly routine is a great way to help you get to bed at a set time if you don't already have a bedtime. Be sure to give yourself at least an hour or an hour and a half to prep and begin your winding down process. However, every night won't be the same so cut yourself some slack if you're unable to get to bed at that exact time.
Enhance Your Productivity
Having a nightly routine is a great way to maximize your mornings and your overall productivity. So have fun and be creative. Your focus should be on finding what works for you and trying your best to stick with it.