Show Your Closet Some “Marie Kondo” Love
Simple tips to make decluttering your closet a breeze
Written by Shandel Walker
Spring is here. I'm sure you know this already because your allergies are probably driving you insane, and as much as we would love to write about how allergy season is the worst. We're actually going to talk about a different spring headache. Spring cleaning! The annual ritual that reveals to many of us that we're messy and lowkey hoarders. Did you see your closet lately? So many lost and forgotten things are just begging to see the light of day once more. No worries, because no one's closet is perfect unless you’re Marie Kondo. True, We're no Marie Kondo, but we do have a few tips that will make decluttering your closet fun and easy. So keep reading to find out what they are.
Be Realistic
You're probably looking in your closet and asking yourself, when did I buy all these clothes? Yet, you find yourself constantly reaching for the same outfits all the time while there are clothes with the tag still on in your closet collecting dust. We get it that dress was on sale, and of course, you couldn't let that sale miss you but did you really need to buy it? When you have a similar dress in your closet that you love wearing all the time.
When you're sorting through clothes, you want to be realistic with your approach and ask yourself a few questions:
Do I wear this often?
Do I feel comfortable wearing this?
Did I wear this at least once?
Does this still fit my style?
If the answer to those questions is yes, then go ahead and put those clothes in your keep pile. If you answered no in the great words of Queen Elsa, "let it go!" Put those clothes in your donation pile and free up some much-needed space in your closet. Don't hold on to anything unless you're absolutely sure you're going to wear it. When shopping, it's important to consider your style and aesthetic and buy pieces that will complement what's already in your closet.
Have a System
Having a system in your closet is so beneficial. When things are scattered all over your closet, it is pretty easy to glaze over clothes you never wore or forget about outfits that you loved wearing because they got lost in the madness that is your closet, whether it's by color, pattern, texture, brand, etc. Find a system that works for you and stick with it.
Upgrade Your Closet
You go everywhere with your purse. It carries your entire life, and you would feel so lost without it, but a purse doesn't have to be a boring functional piece of equipment. Add a little texture and color to spruce up your purse. Want a timeless and polished look? Grab your "go with everything" leather purse, or if you're feeling whimsical, a fringe purse should do the trick. Don't be afraid to be bold and have fun with your look.
Have Fun
Organizing and decluttering your closet can be a daunting process, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. Listen to some feel-good music, put on a mock fashion show for your friends and family, go down memory lane and remember the good times you had in your clothes. This is also a great way to connect with clothes you've forgotten about or never wore before. The point is to have fun; it'll make the entire process so much easier.
Take Breaks
You don't have to get through your entire closet in a day. If you do, that is awesome, but it isn't a requirement. Be sure to take breaks to avoid burning out. Keep track of your progress and make sure everything is in its correct pile. The last thing you want to do is put your favorite blazer in the donate pile. Before tackling your closet, it's best to decide how much time you would like to dedicate to organizing it. Maybe a day, two days, or a week. Whatever you choose, make sure it fits your schedule and won't leave you feeling overwhelmed.
Donate vs. Sell
Now that you know what, you're not keeping it's time to start researching your local donation center or sell a few pieces to a local or online thrift shop. Whether you decide to donate, sell, or do both, there is someone out there who is ready to give those vintage mom jeans a new home.
Your closet is now organized, and you magically feel ten pounds lighter. To keep that blissful feeling going, look for inspiration to keep you motivated. A good place to start is by creating a Pinterest board of minimalistic and organized closets. So whenever you feel yourself slipping into your old ways, refer to your Pinterest board and remember how good it feels to see the entirety of your closet.